Peasoup operates a multitenant cloud service and are responsible for reporting monthly to Microsoft, the usage of Server installations within the platform.
Peasoup utilises Microsoft’s Key Management Service for Licensing instances of Windows Server VM’s.
To register a newly installed Windows server within your infrastructure, follow the steps below:
Launch administrative command prompt
Click START and type CMD, right click and select Run as Administrator
Specify KMs Host
Peasoup provides a KMS server for registering your Windows instance,
NOTE - you may need to modify your firewall settings to all outbound TCP 1688
From your command prompt run the following:
slmgr /skms kms.peasoup.cloud:1688
you will receive the following prompt
Activate Windows
Assuming you have access outbound to this server you can activate your windows instance using the following command:
slmgr /ato
If you are receive a message indicating you cannot activate the product, please check you can connect from your server to the server kms.peasoup.cloud on TCP 1688, this can be achieved using the following powershell command:
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName kms.peasoup.cloud -Port 1688
A successful output should look as follows:
Please check your firewall and ensure you have allowed TCP 1688 outbound, and if required specify the IP that resolves kms.peasoup.cloud
Further issues please contact support@peasoup.cloud